Book Sites
Fantastic Fiction - This site allows you to search for an author and see a list of their books. It will also show you the order of books in a series.
BookSeer - Type in the title of the book you like and the site generates other books that you might enjoy.
FictFact - This site allows you to type in a favorite series and it will list all of the books in the series. If you join the site (it's free), it will send you notifications when a new book in a series has been published.
KitLit TV - a great site for learning about authors. It has multimedia resources including interviews, podcasts, videocasts, book trailers and more.
How Long to Read - This is a great site for students who want to see how long a book will take to read or if the book is too easy/difficult. You type in a title, a sample paragraph comes up, you start a timer and read the paragraph, and when you're done, it lets you know approximately how long it will take you to read the whole book. For older students, it's kind of a Five-Finger Rule extension.
BookSeer - Type in the title of the book you like and the site generates other books that you might enjoy.
FictFact - This site allows you to type in a favorite series and it will list all of the books in the series. If you join the site (it's free), it will send you notifications when a new book in a series has been published.
KitLit TV - a great site for learning about authors. It has multimedia resources including interviews, podcasts, videocasts, book trailers and more.
How Long to Read - This is a great site for students who want to see how long a book will take to read or if the book is too easy/difficult. You type in a title, a sample paragraph comes up, you start a timer and read the paragraph, and when you're done, it lets you know approximately how long it will take you to read the whole book. For older students, it's kind of a Five-Finger Rule extension.